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Are you in the process of selling your home or moving? These tips will guide you through the process of renting a storage unit during your move.

We understand the pressure and stress that comes with moving. Have you considered renting a storage unit to lessen the stress and minimize the crowd of boxes surrounding you? If you are selling your home, having fewer boxes and precious items around may even speed up the sale of your home! If you are needing a storage unit for an upcoming move. Take a few minutes to read these helpful storage unit tips.

1. Reserve a storage unit.

Get a head start, reserve your storage unit as soon as possible. The sooner you are able to begin packing your storage unit the neater and more organized it will be. Not sure how to reserve a storage unit at Store In A Wink? Click here link to reserve your storage unit. We are also hard at work creating contactless relentless to make renting a storage unit near you even easier!

Not sure which storage unit size is best for you? Check out the next tip!

2. Which storage unit is best for you?

At Store In A Wink, we offer a wide range of self-storage units. From smaller storage units such as 5X10 and 10X10’s these storage units are great for storing furniture, appliances, moving boxes, and other household items. All the way up to 10X40 storage units, which is the size of two garages! Click the link for a visual overview of how big each unit is and decide which is best for you (if you’re still unsure please give us a call at (316) 260-9465.

Click here to learn more about the storage unit sizes we offer.

3. Need a moving truck to rent?

U-Haul is our moving truck partner, you have just as many sizes of trucks to pick from as you do storage options! For Store In A Wink customers, we offer a Free Truck with any move-in! If you’re needing a moving truck near you, you can either click the link below or give us a call to discuss which truck is the right size for you and for a quote on how much it would be to rent a moving truck.

4. Store all non-essential items for less clutter.

Whether you’re selling your home or moving across town, pack all of your non-essential items away to have less clutter around the house. If you have kids, this will help avoid them unpacking and repacking boxes so they are able to find their favorite coat or toy they accidentally packed away. And when you move into your next home, use your storage unit as a practical way to prioritize what you need first. Unpack high priority items first and avoid clutter by keeping the lower priority items in your storage unit until you are ready for them.

5. Stay Organized & Ask For Help!

Last, but not least on the 5 Practical Storage Unit Tips For Moving count down. We can not stress this enough, staying organized is the best defense when moving. Label your boxes, keep a log, or color-code boxes so when the day comes to unpack. You can breathe easy knowing where everything goes. Also, do not be afraid to ask for help. Your family, friends, and even we are always happy to help or answer questions you may have.

For any and all questions please give us a call or drop by the office! At Store In A Wink, ‘we love helping you store the things that make you smile’ and that includes helping you reduce stress and clutter in your home before moving day arrives. We hope you found these 5 Practical Storage Unit Tips For Moving helpful!